CASE STUDY: Longdean School, Hemel Hempstead

Notts Sport is thrilled to announce the completion of the extension and revitalisation of the existing sports pitch at Longdean School in Hemel Hempstead. With a commitment to providing the highest quality facilities for its students, Longdean School has invested in state-of-the-art upgrades to enhance the sports experience and promote a healthy and active lifestyle for its students.

Working in partnership with contractors Velocity Sports, Notts Sport managed the project which involved extending the existing sports pitch and outfitting it with a brand-new shockpad and a non-infill artificial grass surface. The sports pitch extension integrates Trocellen's 5008 XC Cut shockpad and Greenfields' Slide Max Pro NF top carpet. These industry-leading products have been selected carefully to provide an unparalleled sports experience for the students at Longdean School.

Trocellen's 5008 XC Cut shockpad is at the forefront of sports surface technology. With its superior shock-absorbing properties, it ensures a safe playing environment by reducing the risk of injuries caused by impacts during sports activities. The 5008 XC Cut shockpad, renowned for its durability and performance, guarantees that students can engage in sports confidently and securely. 

The selection of Greenfields Slide Max Pro, a non-infill artificial grass surface, brings additional benefits. Unlike traditional infill systems, this surface eliminates the need for infill materials such as rubber or sand, resulting in a cleaner and more environmentally friendly sports pitch. It also provides a consistent playing surface, ensuring high performance and playability across various sports.

The school administration and the Board of Governors are thrilled about these enhancements, as they firmly believe that the upgraded sports pitch will significantly contribute to the overall educational experience of the students. In addition, it will be a considerable improvement to the wider community; youth and girls' football have increased as a direct result of the installation. Under-represented groups will also be encouraged, and the school, through Football Foundation funding and the school's partner lettings operator, AITC, proactively engaged with the community to realise greater involvement for these user types. Surplus income from the facility will contribute to the improvement of their grass pitches and help sustain other school facilities, such as the recent investment in a Post-16 Café building. 

"We are delighted to invest in the extension and modernisation of our sports pitch," said Andrew Wheeler, Premises & Safety Manager of Longdean School. "The new facility will initiate or re-invigorate the desire of some of our students to participate in sport. It also raises staff morale and enhances their ability to deliver, not just football to a higher standard, but all sports, with increased positivity often associated with facilities.

"Without hesitation, I highly recommend Notts Sport for your synthetic surface project. The management of the tender was slick, while the overall installation process was monitored meticulously. Enquiries and variations were dealt with promptly and efficiently at all process stages. Our AGP project was delivered to a high standard, within budget, on time and without issue; a premises manager's dream."

The completion of the sports pitch signifies Longdean School's ongoing commitment to providing exceptional educational and sporting opportunities for its students. The upgraded facility will undoubtedly become a hub for various sports activities and further promote the school's values of physical well-being, teamwork, and personal growth.


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CASE STUDY: welland park academy, Leicestershire